
His lawyer told him to plead the fifth, but he already drank it

Too many flavors sets a dangerous precedent, Meteor.

Does anyone in this family have a thought that isn’t just regurgitating Facebook or Fox News bullshit? I kind of expect the child of the president to have a more sophisticated world than the meme share of a random turd of a guy that lived down the street from me growing up. Or rather, I used to expect that.

In the few interracial relationships that I’ve seen with black women and white men, the black women are usually still remarkably black as fuck, and they still defend all black people (with a few exceptions).


Pats could pick up Kaepernick as a back-up. Boston fans would surely embrace that.

But Locomotive Jones, Zoe Saldana didn’t vote for Trump, nor does she espouse Judicial or Financial platforms that will endanger people who look like her twin children. Nor is she acting like she’s a steak dinner and all white women are tuna casserole.

Mindblowing or utterly predictable and based in racist thought (i.e. that Asian woman are exotic and compliant)?

Fondness of black genitalia doesn’t erase white hate, but rather highlights the fetishization of the black body by whites, which has been done since the founding of our country. Offering that up (or the offspring that came from that fondess) as proof of one’s lack of prejudice is far more enlightening than I think

You’re going to have a lot of trolls, sis. They are thick on the ground today because Dems are finally giving as good as they get and also because John Kelly has put on his jackboots and has had to change out of his U.S. service uniform because he’s disgraced it so much. Keep them in the greys and don’t let them get

Happy Halloween!

The number of racist white guys with asian wives/gfs is mind-blowingly high.

If you’re looking for a shameless meat puppet to rubber stamp your bullshit,


It’s in the white handbook of stupid ass things to say which only PROVE that you’re a racist.

Can we interview his “black best friend” to get his side of the story? We’ve all heard the accounts of slave owners being surprised when the slaves they treated so well decided to escape. “BBF” might think of Ernie more as a landlord than a friend. IJS...

Ugh! Agreed, it’s not cultural appropriation. It’s just that Aaliyah is sacred at this point and anything Kardashian is tainted.