
I liked this and would like to see more from this crew. However, I don’t understand the director’s choice to have Commander Diaz act horrified (as opposed to just curious) the instant he sees an old PR stunt/science experiment floating through space. It’s not like seeing that should induce such primal fear. I’d just

I know this type of racial bias and neglect are widespread but as a Hoosier (who left due to a lack of cultural progress and social empathy), I am not surprise at all at IU Health’s leadership. Indiana may as well be in the deep south when it comes to compassion, equity and awareness, especially in issues surrounding

I don’t understand the reason for this post, unless there’s just a sore need for content on io9, no matter its quality or necessity. In the books Sauron is clearly called the Lord of the Rings by Gandalf. Not to mention that he created and put his own power/life force into the One Ring. He is the Lord of the Rings.

I’m with abcdefgodthaab on this...the people laying the artistic foundation and those bringing the story to life are black creators. H.P. Lovecraft was a xenophobic product of his time and often portrayed minorities in unflattering, reductionist and stereotypical lights. He was also a brilliant pioneer of weird

Here! Here!

Today’s the tenth...

Cool thought experiment, but I don’t think that electrons would submit to gravity in an of themselves. On the scale of the atom, gravity is a very very weak force.

Animal person here. Agree with everything you say about that horrible piece of shit.  Maybe say “dog with no leash” instead of “pit bull” though. Those cuties get a bad rap and are consistently better on temperament tests than poodles and golden retrievers. They don’t deserve to be tossed into an article about Orange

But the photon’s perspective would be at once instantaneous and infinite, since traveling at the speed of light, photo s do not experience time...right?

Try telling that to all the people who had to say goodbye to dying mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents and children via Skype or FaceTime, only to have things open back up a few weeks later, all while a bunch of rednecks protest that their rights are being violated because they don’t want to wear a mask

I thought you wanted to?

Intersting...McAvoy voiced the protagonist for the BBC audio drama of Neverwhere as well. Another Neil Gaiman classic.



I figured it goes without saying they’d never even consider just using 100% oxygen...

Graham Hancock was right!!!! ;)


Thanks for this. I’m transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, mostly for environmental reasons, and learned that it’s not just a diet without animal products. Veganism is ultimately a lifestyle acting upon the fact that you give a shit about the world at large, whether that’s based on compassion for animals in the

sooooo....Mysterio is good?