Richard Shipp

Caption: "Damn! I left my iPhone at home. What's this thing in my pocket?"

Pointless. Kinda like dropping tablets from high locations to see if they break.

Just last Thursday my debit card got declined. I called the bank and they said that someone somehow acquired my magnetic strip information and applied that information another card. They then went into multiple electronic stores (in another city) and purchased hundreds of dollars of items. Now I am afraid to use my

This is stupid. Not even funny.

Yeah, I can see this turning into tons of lawsuits because kids can't bee seen and are driving this thing under cars and getting killed.

Because there are never any problems with Android Phones? Umm Yeah.

I only watched about 30 seconds and felt very uncomfortable.

Why is the news caster smiling while reporting this fire?

I thought I was texting my best friend in regards to a girl named Kat and then realized that I had just text her instead with "Kat is a freakin' nut just playing games". Doh!

I am tired of hearing about the wonderful military. Not all of them are heroes and most aren't anyway. They are becoming benefit sponges. Why didn't we worship the old vets? Because it wasn't cool? I am sick of the pics of the crying dad and his baby. Who cares?

So I am a little confused as to why he came up with this capability and what he plans on doing with it.

Regardless of what people think, can prove or cannot prove when it comes to him supposedly doping, you can't take away the fact that he has done tons for Cancer research. Can't believe someone at Giz approved this article. Shame on you.


I was selling a motorcycle and the guy told me that he would mail me a check and have a delivery service come to my office to pick up the bike. I told him "No" after things started to sound a little weird. At this point he had my address and he still mailed me a check for $6000 which was $2000 more than what I was

They aren't dying. I think this post is an assumption because of the growing popularity of digital media. Sorry, but there are still people that like to rent DVDs and watch movies on a DVD player. Not everyone will conform to streaming. (Mexicans and Old people)

Meh, I think most people are more concerned about buying the adapter rather than a dock. Plus it is pretty fugly.

Everything is a "Pyramid" now if we can't identify it.

I like Apple products, but I don't want to have all my eggs in one basket. I want to have choices of different technology from different manufactures. Apple isn't the only company that can drive technology.

Same here. I am tired of hearing about how Samsung is supposedly copying Apple.