
As soon as she said that I was thinking we weren't getting any answers or much of a resolution. After he was shot I thought there might have been time for something to happen, but no.

Great Job Deadspin!

Involuntary Han slaughter is fun!

Not if he got his racist shot.

"God is dead."

There's nothing to make it clear that there is a problem there quite like saying "no problem there, believe me."

I can't wait to see who President Trump appoints as the Secretary of Sexual Secrurity.

There is no good way to say that All Clubs Matter

I think you got it.

Is it murder if the person can't pronounce Mail Chimp?

Maybe 0. Or maybe 1.

Zac Snyder is friends with lots of women. How could he be sexist? His wife is a woman. So is his mom.

He's also completely blacked out drunk in those pictures. He's been on quite a bender. He'll wake up hungover and wonder where those muscles came from.

The 3 characters who aren't buff also happen to be the three characters who are women. Pure coincidence.

Yes. It just might be the most important thing he's ever done. The only thing that matters.

I could totally see Batfleck walking around Gothkm vaugely angry and not remembering who he is.

In the comics Gordon recently had to fill in as Batman for a while because Bruce forgot who he was. I'd like to see this jacked up JK put on the cowl. He's always been a badass.

Snyder's making everybody get ripped. The guy cast as 'Mailman #2' has been training for months.

He's playing Gym Gordon. Wait I mean Jim Gordon.

Or should I say, feels appropriate? There now it's a question.