
I feel like focussing on “electability” completely misses how Obama beat McCain and then Romney. The only way to measure electability is to see who won the election. Obama wasn’t seen to have electability until rather late in the 2008 race, and Trump, frankly wasn’t seen as having electability at all until he was, you

I love Liz and her wonkery, and I think she’s the best candidate in the race right now. And I appreciate she’s talking about this issue. But this plan is ... not good. “Do something or we yank your funding” hasn’t worked for education, and it won’t work for healthcare.

The Beyonce dig wasn’t needed. Also they can do more than one thing at a time imagine that.

The problem is that people have trouble separating what is being promised and what is being pondered.”

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Crowbcat has something to say about this.

Whatever are you talking about?

And they will complain and shout and stomp their little feet to prove you wrong. I swear “being a gamer” these days just means you love to bitch and moan online about games or the gaming industry in the least productive manner possible. Everybody else is just “people who like playing video games.”

It’s also incredibly lucrative for the developers and publishers. This move is a blatant cash grab to improve profits at the expense of the consumer. The switch to Epic doesn’t improve the customer’s experience at all.

They’re fighting back against a shitty move.

You are talking to the same kind of people who send death threats to Jason Shreier for reporting on a game delay. Unfortunately, it’s par for the course now.

Gamers are just the biggest fucking babies.

People get all up in arms about the gubment tryin’ to take old Gamma and Peepaws money from their kids, but fail to realize that it only kicks in AFTER the first $11.4 MILLION DOLLARS. Per person. $22.8 MILLION DOLLARS per couple.

The way this country votes (and thinks), the outcome could really go either way! Lot of temporarily embarrassed millionaires out there

Agreed with this, except I’m not really okay with making him a true martyr (there’s no need for the stench of him to linger in society longer than it needs to. We don’t need Trump worshippers digging in, and continuing to exist as such decades down the line). Right now, he’s more “persecuted”, according to his

Worked in surgery for a number of years. I will not provide the entire list but just the top three rectum items.

He 100% got this idea from The Simpsons Stonecutters episode:


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Dunkey is fun. His yakuza 3 video is one of my favorite things ever, as it is the perfect encapsulation of the franchise.

The catch is it will die in the Senate.

I only read the intro and bullet points of Barf Bag and I scroll so fast past the tweets — does anybody else do that?