
I have completed 8 playthroughs of the original trilogy and essentially have them memorized. I still enjoyed Andromeda, flaws and all.

I have completed 8 playthroughs of the original trilogy and essentially have them memorized. I still enjoyed

Bought it at $60 and while it had some serious flaws, if you’re a fan in general of the Mass Effect games, I’d say it’s more than worth $22.

Bought it at $60 and while it had some serious flaws, if you’re a fan in general of the Mass Effect games, I’d say

I was a HUGE Mass Effect fan. I replayed the whole trilogy twice and I even loved the ending of 3. But all the bad news this year kept me from even trying Andromeda. This price.. is calling my name. Fingers crossed!

I was a HUGE Mass Effect fan. I replayed the whole trilogy twice and I even loved the ending of 3. But all the bad

We don’t have a functioning democracy.

The pledge of allegiance is so bizarre if you take 2 minutes to actually think about it.

People who demand respect or obedience to symbols or the rote chanting of words don’t really understand the whole point of the American Revolution. This is a brave little boy exercising his rights as as an American.

Are you aware that Obama deported more people than any previous president? More than Bush 2 even.

No need, the Navy’s stellar year in the news is plenty enough.

Disclaimer: 12 years Active Duty Navy service. So that’s (former) Petty Officer Dickhead to you.

Oh fuck off with your “virtue signaling” right-wing shibboleth

Pictured: Democrats attacking

Democrats, attack!

I think you’re looking way too hard at a throwaway dose of cheap self-deprecating humor

My God, Ted Cruz was the human all along..

Why you gotta go and talk shit about mayonnaise, man?

I can trot out laws too.

1. Being a cop who beats a murder charge for shooting an unarmed black teen is not a protected class.

It’s also a business. And there are ugly precedents in this country about allowing businesses to refuse to serve “certain types” of people for any reason.

And there it is.

I believe we’re done here.

Keep telling yourself that.