I don’t know why it bothers me, I have an effectively infinite backlog but the Square part of SquareEnix releases nothing for the Xbox One.
I don’t know why it bothers me, I have an effectively infinite backlog but the Square part of SquareEnix releases nothing for the Xbox One.
I too am a non-game software developer but I’ve never felt like I couldn’t have the rug pulled out from me at any moment (been doing this 15 years). At the large and medium sized places I’ve worked, layoffs will occur for any number of byzantine reasons. The largest place I worked, layoffs could trigger if a division…
Even Alucard’s most unnecessary action, the back dash
You’re right, your characterization of Ryder is what I saw. Alec Ryder was very much like Shepard. Aside from the obvious stuff (N7, storied military histories), they were both singularly focused on a particular obsession (reapers and curing Ellen). Ryder, by contrast is something of an inexperienced military brat. At…
It’s true that Shepard already had a much more eventful past by the start of ME1 but they still felt like just as blank of a canvas as Ryder onto which you paint your decisions. The ME games, to me, were much more about filling in a bit of a blank slate than say a prototypical JRPG where the main character’s arc is…
The game definitely has its problems but I still can’t square its reception with the game I played. It’s certainly on par with the first Mass Effect (though the ME:A’s opening is much more engaging).
As an aside, hey, remember “1 v 100” on the 360? That was fun.
Is EA / Dice still planning on releasing maps / map packs for free? If so, I really prefer this paid progression model to paid DLC that splits the user base.
Consider that you can say ‘fuck’ in a way none of us will be able to spell out nigg*r online. So that blows that idea of equal reaction out the water.
Probably. Is he or she talking about my culture or just yapping about race? Because there’s a fucking difference. I can talk about black culture without being a goose about it.
Coates is a race hustler and doesn’t speak for me and is no more enlightened than anybody else, regardless of race, on this issue.
I think Ta-Nehisi Coates explanation here is perfect but I’ll add one thing. Anyone can absolutely, legally say the N-word. You are not free from consequences though and that goes for literally anything you say.
Going for exclusives makes sense as a business decision, it’s how the industry has operated basically forever. As a consumer though? I hope it works out ok for MS. That whole paradigm is anti-consumer bullshit. There’s even less of a reason for it now that the hardware architecture has basically converged.
We going through the ending again? Alright. Let me step into my archives of my writings on this topic.
If anything pushing funds towards trying to sell the Xbox in Japan would be the bad business decision - though I’m sure you know more than the heads of one of the largest companies in the world.
People left to their own devices will figure out the just winners and losers. This natural order can be cruel to the losers but the price of freedom is sometimes paid in the form of broken, apparently porcelain, ribs.
You’re right. I should’ve said they understand “how to do racism”. ;)
That’s not fair, they at least understand racism and grift.
I enjoy this game but on the XBone it crashes with some regularity. Feels like the game just runs out of memory. Does anyone on other platforms have stability issues? Honestly, on consoles, I think the Lego games crash more than anything else.