
I don’t know which is the best but the start to ME1 is easily the worst start in the series. I spent a few hours on ME1 before putting it aside for months. Games I put aside for that long rarely get picked up again but for whatever reason, I returned and slogged through the boring ass space mall i.e. the citadel. The

This is aside from the point of that quote but does this mean someone in the middle class used to have enough property that people would picknick on it? Or does it mean people were picknicking on a normal-by-today’s standard less than 1/4 acre yard? Did “picknicking” mean something else?

“Commando” might not be the right term but the mission definitely covers Australian (i.e. from the land of dingos, crocodiles, koala bears) troops fighting during the Dardanelles Campaign:

Illegal immigrants

Ha! I was speaking to the single player. The multi-player is basically a WWI skin on Battlefield.

It is good! It’s pretty short though. It tells a series of short stories, which all follow totally different allied soldiers as they work their way through a few missions. You play as an American pilot, British tank driver, Italian infantry, an Australian commando and an Arab woman working alongside Lawrence of

The Democrats gained (6) seats in the House and (2) seats in the Senate.

You only have to be a majority on election day.

Facts don’t matter either.

Clearly the 20th Century experiments that were done in the name of Marxism have failed. I don’t believe the problem with Communism was its stated end goal of workers owning the means of production or having more equitable wealth distribution.

Rather, Marx’s fundamental flaw was his reliance on the State and Revolution

I’ve gone through a lot of emotions on the ME3 ending but I’ve been pretty settled on it being very good. One fair criticism is that ultimately, your choices in the trilogy don’t make a difference but that’s something that doesn’t bother me.

Bowie’s package is magnificently sculpted.

I’m in the same boat. The 2016 election was the first one I voted straight Dem.

Which is why they go to jail so frequently when their companies break the law. /s

You’re describing Democrats (a feckless political party) not liberals (people who subscribe to a certain ideology).

They put all their faith in the favorable polling of those states (WI, MI, PA), which is understandable, but not forgivable.

My understanding is that you basically have to get starred by a Gawker Gizmodo employee. Which means you have to reply directly to a story and happen to catch an author’s attention. For whatever reason, I almost always reply to other reader’s comments and not articles. So, I’m basically grey for life!

Nope. $50.

For a while something like 80% of video games had you attacking Nazis. If it deserves criticism, the game is a bit derivative. Nazis as enemies is well trod ground.