
I love my dad but I'd jump ship to be Snake Plisken's kid.

I'm trying to come up with a giant or multiple people into one sexist joke but I don't think Autobots have menstrual cycles or shop so I'll just say this looks fucking epic. But wait why is a hair dryer her weapon of choice?

I love the pip edition idea. But that would be so heavy on your wrist on an 8 hour game crawl. If I have the money I may buy it for a display item but I have a workout phone wrist band that I already plan to use.

I’d be interested in living as a minimalist but I have a wife and kids so that shit is not happening. every time I move it's an insane amount of effort, take down and set up time.

I live in a townhouse that didn’t come with a washer. Any recommendations for an apartment sized one? My wife is against it because she thinks we should get one of those full sized ones with wheels but that’s ridiculous because it's a small townhouse and we don't have enough space for that.

My kids try everything at least a bite, it's something we got lucky on. If one will eat it, the other does it blindly. But my kids can not be forced to eat two things that drive me fucking insane, fast food or pizza. My daughter and son will eat home made pizza if they help. Now fast food not being something they'll

I think star trek online has the right idea. I use the FTP and it doesn't limit mission content just equipment and certain ships. But there is so much equipment and ships that it doesn't matter cause it would take years to acquire all of it even with money and a membership. But if I had money to waste I'd have all the

There's a lot of picking a choosing for those tweets sense other sites are using positive tweets with the reveal picture.

This joker design is awesome. The joker's been locked up for awhile and prison tats seems like something he'd be into. Honestly it's about time someone did something different with this character. Fuck I hate the Joker as an antagonist, like seriously Superman just kill him as a favor to Bruce. Bruce Wayne should have

Everyone's talking about women's armor. So Nolan verse aside I never minded "boob sock" armor for batgirl. I mean she's friends with Bruce Wayne I'm sure he got her something super awesome like a nano Kevlar poly carbonate weave something or rather that was lazer fited to her body. I never thought it was suppose to

I looked her up on YouTube before commenting here. Merlina's comedy style is to tell you everything tragic and then make jokes. It's hostage style comedy. That and her jokes aren't funny. Was she bullied yeah. But listen Comedian's say horrible things about everyone. I don't even like Shaffir but it's an industry

My parent's divorce came from my mother's desire to not give head. after 15 years my dad wanted his dick sucked and that lead to a divorce. I don't think that you need oral sex to be happy in a relationship but I don't think you can have it as a one way street. I would never force myself into a hole I wasn't wanted

I've been fired over some petty bullshit in the past. But listen here's my advice on how to view your cooperate work structure of this company isn't my friend idea. If everyone seems to be friends and have a good time... GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE! Nerf wars in the office and pizza Fridays? GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE.

This looks not good. Like maybe the jokes would be funny but... I mean... I feel bad for the screenwriter who was forced to write this for a fraction of what adam sandler makes.

Tim Hortons is the craziest thing for Canadians. Everyone goes there in the morning it causes accidents and traffic jams. The staff are competent the coffee is shit and every Canadian acts like it's the best fucking thing ever talking about how true Canadian love it. It's owned by Burger King who's a US company so

I just don't think this is okay. I hate to say if it sounds backwards I'm cool with being backwards. I understand there is different circumstances for everyone but I couldn't do this with my spouse.

My wife looks at these articles and studies the subject. I try not to say anything flame worthy. But I think it's important to have more female characters. But if the game is about Lara Croft I'm not going to demand a male version ya know. I think the story is important to maintain and I don't think we always need

What a a garbage article. Shame on you Hillary Coker for blasting a delightful performance. Go shove a lego oscar up your ass.

Some of the argument makes sense. The other parts don't. It's a bit all over the place. The Autobahn is tiny in comparison to Canadian highways due to landmass but what does that equal.

The post tng, ds9 voyager era Novels. I'm burning through them fairly quickly. Though I play STO and cannon is hard to keep track of.