Richard,he's trying to kill me

I, for one, was happy to see that 70s trend go away and am not happy about its return.

You caught me! I am impish and imp like!

Rache reports: Hot off my fax machine!! Ivanka Trump wears sleevless dress to G20!! Putin implicated!!

6months later still a disgusting pos.

I really really miss David Bowie. "If we could be heroes, just for one day………

Now you know how the guy who played the purple teletubbie prepped!

I, for one, am enraged and offended by just about anything!
I think the DSM IV calls in "Plain fucking batshit crazy" !

Plus you have a gay friend, so you should know right?

Why is AV Club in general so homophobic?

What makes you the Johnnie Cochran for gay people?

Practice makes perfect! And is sometimes painful at first.

Uh, still no.

Are you talking about Roger waters?

Real Headline: Andrew Garfield joins long list of actors doing silly shit.

More anything? More everything!

NO, you fuck off.

You "happily played gay roles"? Enough hate mongering. "Gayly played gay roles would imply less homophobia on your behalf.

uh, no.

I, for one, am offended by the lack of offense taken by the offensive comment made without the intention of being offensive. If i have offended you by saying this i understand youre reserving your right to be offended also. Other than that , WTF?

So what you are saying i shouldn't use the n word cuz i watched the cosby show?