Richard,he's trying to kill me

Little did you know that eating under cooked horse or dog meat can result in a horrible case of "Cat Scratch Fever".

So what happened? Did he really pee on russian hookers?

So trump fired comey to stick up for hilaary?

It was only a puppy, named checkers.

My point that the 1% rules the world? You can hash the details if you wish, even grind the minutiae. My point is not wrong. The 1% rules the world period. Always has, always will. A net worth of 8.4 million? As a, for the most part, lifetime government employee? Please yourself and bury yourself in a multitude of

See those people on the panel, some with D, some with R in front of their names? They all have one thing n common. They are ALL members of the 1% club. They will do for themselves what is in their best interests and in the best interests of their fellow members of the 1% club be they in US, Europe, Russia, China or

This thread seems "Rife" for the picking.

Kate Hudson said it first.

Dont forget Tojo.

Some people here are not so smart. How in the hell are you supposed to know which donut to buy if you don't lick them first? I mean really? Seems obvious.

Read the motion in full? See you next season!!

I am thinkin "braindead jackoff" might be an oxymoron there PT

Does Trump keep cigars in the oval office?……..Stay tuned!

When i put on my sunglasses i can see lizards!

Willie Wonka?

Thats a good one. I saw this move and ugh….just ugh.

Love Sam. The capstone to a great movie "The Big Liebowski". And if you have not seen "Lifeguard" you are missing American cinema of the 70's at it's finest.

In my world nobody buys rap music. it sucks.

Exactly. Its only hbo.

Who? Stuart?