Ugh that is pretty dire
Ugh that is pretty dire
I can't remember anything off of V but i'm excited regardless… i should probably relisten to V.
I'm gonna be honest. My whole opinion is based off of when they got added to the rock and roll hall of fame and he seemed just super genuinely excited. I don't know why but i really liked that.
Worst band. Just completely terrible. Now with that said i find Flea oddly charming.
Have actually never done a drug.
Hmm, i actually like The Grateful Dead.
Eh, punch him anyways
It can. It's pretty unsettling.
I hear that a lot in the mornings.
The intro to My Old Man kinda threw me off at first.
I'm an alright person so its perfect.
I'm very excited about this.
Waiting for this to come in at my work. Ordered the indie exclusive. Hyped. Also getting really into No Life For Me lately. I'd be cool for that to happen again.
Yeah, like he even got in a fight with Frank Ocean once outside a studio. Like what the hell. Frank seems chill as fuck.
Man, i really stepped into that one. What a boner.
This will be a hard pass
Did he have green spray paint with him?
And i'm Canadian so its perfect.
I think there is a small difference between separating the art from the artist and then working with that artist. If you're willing to go the extra step of working with the shady artist you should be willing to discuss your motives. But yeah Piers can ride a seatless unicycle, fuck'em.
Thats a good comparison. But i get less of a train out of control from FJM. Hoping Kanye also loses that vibe soon and gets the help he needs.