
Music mini delivery maxi

Haha that's probably the safe choice

You could check out the band Rectum Of Pain

Played my first show with my new band. It was fun, met some cool people and talked for a few hours about philosophy, Russian lit, skateboard videos and maritime punk rock with the bassist from the band we played with, so made some cool new outta town friends.

I love the 2 cd reissues that their first two albums got. If any band deserved the right of a loving deluxe reissue for context and examples beyond albums it was them.


When will the manosphere die? There's been sooooooo many hills it seems.

What's that hippie show?

Wanna make out about it?



Isn't every article ever posted anywhere click bait?

Also i knew a guy who made his own moonshine but threw a bunch of gummy bears in it. It tasted like sugar and blindness but became instant jello shots when chilled.

Thats like Sweet O at a local bar. They just kind pour a bunch of alcohol and juice and throw in a sliced up apple. Comes only in pitchers and its probably one of their most popular drinks.

Pretty soon dawg

Oh no! If momma Cig is mad at me does that i mean i can't come over for pizza pockets?

Tell us all how it goes. You could be the Av club on the ground reporter like how Cracked sent Evans to Syria.

Haha shit. Well make sure to wear a helmet? If i lived near i'd offer a drive but that might be more dangerous (car getting flipped or stuck)And that sounds like a very happy time at work. At least your jobs sounds cool and helpful. I just work at a record store/sometimes construction if i need extra cash.

Play safe young cig.

Meh, i'm sure you could take him