
I loved the book, but haven't seen the movie. Should i bother?

Sure thang Kip. Everyone else good?

Cool, i'll be getting milkshakes beforehand. Anyone want one?

He's probably got some frequent flyer miles saved up

Blood and Semen? So this is a party now?

So i guess he just doesn't believe anything he has been told ever. Might explain why he is crazy

It is Apple advertising that has gone to far.

Or man. He also mentioned dudes.

I'm sorry. my raw sexuality destroys all cameras that try to get a picture. It is really a problem.

She seems to be closing in on unbearable for some

"and then he danced around the cop car naked" heard through the open door of my work as two guys walked by

Are you talking about me? I'm not a women but the rest applies

Because that went so well for John Mccain. But then again Trump is somehow in the lead so maybe it's time for the horsemen to ride.

I can honestly say that i have while a female friend watched because we were curious as to how it would feel. Pretty meh tbh and apparently the tastes don't go well together. But yup life is strange.

"Bro meet me behind Staples"

"Have you ever fucked a melon?"

Um i don't see how that would help but if you say so. (gets thrown in jail for going down on someone while they are passed out. Tries blaming the baby and gets an extra 10 years added to sentence.)

When was Black Flag featured in Penthouse?

I remember watching that. Started it to maybe see some tithes stayed because it was actually interesting.

I do actually tend to lose interest in porn once the actually graphic sex happens. I like to watch how they set up scenes. How it goes from a normal thing to fucking has always intrigued me. Do i watch porn wrong? I watch the build up then skip to end to see how the scene plays out, it's always a bummer when it just