Richard DeCredico

Sam Bradford is 28 years old. If he does things right, he can get another solid 10 years out of his career as an “Itinerant Veteran QB Mentor.” Mentor Wentz for a season or two, then move to the next sad-sack franchise that has drafted a hotshot rookie that they want to learn from a seasoned pro. Market yourself that

I wasn't aware having ink put into your skin had anything to do with work effort or studying skills.

Io9 really is turning to shit, isn't it?

Because you see that red circle and arrow around Harley Quinn. I have not even watched the video and I can guarantee it is not even in there or has zero to due with the topic. They are clickbait youtube whores. Also, I am tired of all these hipsters doofus trying to tell why they think this is that shot is the best

Nah. Impulse purchases like this require near instant gratification. If I were REALLY looking for holiday lighting, I’d do it. But in April?

Nah. Impulse purchases like this require near instant gratification. If I were REALLY looking for holiday lighting,

“I want to stress one thing: these guys aren’t motorcyclists, they’re assholes on motorcycles. And there’s absolutely a difference.”

How is it any different though? It may *feel* different to you, you may convince yourself that it is different...but how is it different? I’m just curious. I loved the original article, my partner and I discussed it at length and my feelings changed every few minutes. It was fascinating to me.

HEYYY!!! I’m walking here!

The only aliens allowed at Augusta are the grounds crew.

Zara doesn’t approve individuality

Her hair looks beautiful, and I can’t imagine what actual problem there could be with it. Zara have opened themselves up to some serious problems here I think. Unless they have an actual “no braids” policy, which I highly doubt they do.

Back in my day when when kids were kids, yo-yos were made out of solid wood; no ball bearings, no nothing. The wooden axle spun on a loop at the end of the string. Walking The Dog was a matter of pure skill.

Other great cycling victories:

perhaps i should have added reading comprehension to the list.

the fact that most people can’t answer this question without experimentation or watching a video is an indictment of the sad state of education in ‘murica..

also, those are not real grenades. you can tell by the antiquated pineapple design and the hole in the bottom.

Totally made me think of Obi-Wan : “The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.”

You’re overly drooling on the movie. Was it fun - yes. Was it a good story line - not in the least. It was a 2hr retro gag reel. Funny to see but annoying in its complete lack of originality even down to copying the same camera angles to film the same scenes.

Or as pointed out to me a long time ago, Abrams knows he’s an inferior talent, so when he does get his hands on a hot property he’ll piss all over it to make it “his.”

Ever since the merge, io9 is basically trash (with a couple of exceptions). I remember when it used to be something of substance. The merger is probably why Annalee left.