Richard DeCredico

Get over yourself, putz.

Just tell them you have Herpes (which is what it is) and they'll leave you alone.

Actually that is the exact thing the AP style book is supposed to do.

War terminology is woven fully throughout sports because all sports have their roots as military training and promotion.

Hey Albert, when you ready to realize and accept the main reason any of this shit happens is because of you and other people using this shit as entertainment then you can have a soapbox.

As of now, you just another fool passing blame instead of accepting it.

It failed because it was bad.

Bad concept, silly premise, bad execution, low production values.

They can chew you up but eventually have to spit you back out.

A lot of famous and popular layers are not and have never been available so this is rather worthless and operates only as an ad.

Busy, busy, busy.

People that are self absorbed and can't get over themselves will always have trouble being patient with their children. because reality is that it is damn easy to love your own children and never hit them once you get over living just for yourself.


Has nothing to do with capitalism and you conflating and confusing individual and personal greed with a financial system.

Kosher Ham is usually kept alongside Prince Albert in a can.

Song is about VALIUM.

Scariest thing here is all the fools supporting the police.


With each new kernel of info realized about this effort I feel affirmed in the decision to have not seen it.

This shit was the beginning of the end of MTV relevance and as such deserves only scorn and no praise whatsoever.

Indeed but this used to simply be called: common sense.

What I take from this is how efficient the schooling system is at making lemmings out of its participants.