
I bet the battery life on that thing is better then most peoples cell phones anyway... I am assuming it can at least txt.

The PS4 Streaming looks impressive on the Nvida Shield handheld device But I think it kind of defeats its purpose of a handheld device if you have to have a console running nearby.. IMHO a handheld device should be able to either store games on the device itself or have some sort of physical media inside it so you can

I agree..

I guess this means no more arrow in the knee jokes then..

I could put my reasons for you into one paragragh..

You can already get joypad attachments for phones.. It would make more sense just to ports of 3DS games to Android, Iphone and Windows phone and have them compatible with that joypad attachment.

So does this mean people who purchase Windows 10 get a free USB drive or do they just get a download code to make their own bootable USB

Don’t really see a point in the IPod.. The Iphone was designed to be like a Ipod and phone in one. And even as a android user I have to say that Apple did actually do a great job of it even though I think there products are over priced.. Now if I just want a MP3, MP4 player, play games and to browse the net which is

This doesn’t really seem like new news.

At least in can do email by the looks of it..

Now playing

If it was remote controlled & could walk around and swing punches the air in front of it would be more worth the asking price.. perhaps a more advanced version of this..

Meh... Who cares... All these music services are pretty the same anyway & Itunes was rubbish. and over half the cellphone world is on android.. Apple Music will probably look good but that’s about it..

What he did was theft and industrial sabotage. A deliberate attempt to steal “Real” money from spotify and enable others to do the same..

Not really.. The little girl just threw her toys out the cot thats all.

Well since the Xboxone is getting windows 10, So I am guessing the Nextbox will also have a form of windows as the OS and apparently this controller is supposed to be usable on PC.. I am going to make a guess their is a good chance of it being forward compatible..

Sounds like the the controller is built to last forever.. Thats great..

Just buy one 2ndhand from ebay or something simular for about $50 after they have been out for about a year.

And then Apple can sue every other smartwatch provider for copying “their” idea in the few years time for billions of dollars.

Well its not Apple that’s for sure.. So if not Apple or MS... Who?..... Google?

Rich yuppies with more money to spend then brain cells... That goes double for the people who buy the Iwatch.