
i don't believe it, the only way this is possible is if they do a Winklevi face transplant onto his new body, like Jeff Bridges and we just watch a cinematic hologram

Are you projecting again? I thought we were making progress, so you just blanket dislike Dave Grohl, was it cuz he wasn't pulling his weight in Scream? Are you working on commission is or this part of a piece you're doing on the nature of online comments? And you've got a gruff digital epidermis?

Is this your, physician?

Is it something you're comfortable discussing? :?… yeah idk either, you're fighting the good fight, Marla? I'm just a warehouse clerk who reads McLuhan when I discuss equines

You're projecting by saying pseudo. My comments are far from intellectual, a bunch of men who aren't dead get together to make some heavy shit. What's the problem? I don't know who you're specifically taking about, people identified with grohl you wanna belittle everything you'll find endless subjects to do it to.

No. Just wanna see hear your stuff, everyone has some artifact outside of these comments and an avatar, akshav @bcamp constant context on ytube same on tumblr. Where are you? I'm suresure you're more than just a jschooler. U must have empathy to be so fauxtriolic

Provide proof of cultural validity, what are the metrics in this hologram you live in?

Overruled see previous reply

Theoretically mentioned since bungle covered territorial pissings which you clearly whisper to yourself before bed

Cliche under electric conditions becomes archetype, the songs mean nothing, it's like saying the road cares about the car

How is your stuff? Link?


For all of Canada a collective, "Christ, already. Fuck. Off."

mentioning the Firm just can't get be said enough, Radioactive.

comprehensive comment, you certainly owned them.

it's up there with recognizing someone you haven't seen in 20 years that you don't know has aged and following it up "what happened?"

kind like comparing things to each other thinking the metaphor applies cause you're using English


yeah. exactly. here we fuckin are now enterta——