Bob Sacamano

Probably when we started having kids of our own and got real jobs.

Good argument. Counterpoint. Yea. Really. Yea. Just because you don't like him doesn't make him bad. That's just being pretentious.

Except Billy Joel is good and has written classics. And no, I'm not a Republican.

I was a college freshman in 1997, and you forgot to add the Puff Daddy rap stuff, but pretty accurate.

My feelings towards music of that era is purely nostalgia. I was a senior in high school/freshman in college in '97, so while I am not saying that these songs or bands are great, I will listen for nostalgia purposes. Also music tastes change, I actually like Limp Bizkit when they first came out, then after a few years

I think I was the only one who owned the game and only one other friend just wanted to play it. If there were more than two people it was always GoldenEye.

It's about a girl, the song isn't "The Macarena" it's just "Macarena". "The Macarena" is the accompanying dance to it.

I wore mine until about 2001.

Don't worry, I know this is a spoiler but I don't care, the fight doesn't really happen, it's all a "what if" prophecy by the girl who get see the future. They all walk away at the end. Fucking brutal.

It was only a year after another friend died in a motorcycle accident, and both these guys were huge college football linemen. Enough to make me never want to get on anything motorized on two wheels again

One of my best friends died when we were 23 from a dirtbike accident, and at his funeral his ex-girlfriend screamed at the top of her lungs "I don't want to see him put into the ground" thru her crying while the casket was being lowered. So yeah you never know how people react.

In an effort to appease my now wife I watched the entire series of films. I could not believe how much worse each movie got, culminating in the most anti-climatic fight scene ever known. I hated life for a while after watching that garbage.

Hated it!

I don't know how irrational it is when the guy you are jealous of just so happens to be over at your girlfriends house when you call, the day after you "took a break".

Cuba Gooding, Jr would like to have a word with you.

Took my girlfriend (whom became a porn star later on) to see Addicted to Love at her behest. Terrible movie, ended up fooling around in the movie theater because it was so bad. Did the same Batman and Robin.

I graduated in '97! CHA-CHING!

I'm surprised Perfect Dark never gets mentioned in the same breath as Goldeneye, it was basically the same thing set in space, but you could have two players doing a mission at the same time. My friend and I scheduled times to play so we could finish it together.

It depended on whose house we were at, but Goldeneye was definitely on our play list. Years later we still reminisce about how I always used "The Baker" in death matches (Baron Samedi).