Bob Sacamano

I fought back against one, he became quiet when he said it was all hearsay that Trump was a racist/sexual predator when I showed him the article about the justice department suing him for racism and 15 woman coming forward to accuse him of sexual assault.

I can't argue that, but in my experience the precursor is always "if you keep pissing us off":

By your logic Clinton is a wealthy white man so there is no way he could have sexually assaulted anyone, either. Can't have it both ways.

Ahh so a wealthy man can do no wrong? Guess your hero Bill O'Reilly paid out millions for nothing. Are you seriously going to say the Department of Justice is just a bunch of whiners? LOL. My god your lunacy knows no bounds. And of course you assume I voted for Hillary and Obama, because, well, you are a fucking idiot.

Your stupidity is beyond comprehension. 15 women have accused him of sexual assault, and he's admitted to it himself, but it's just hearsay, right? Since you are incapable of doing research, here you go.…. And obviously you refuse to believe he is racist so let me remind you he was sued by

There's the canned response from you mouth breathers. Let me guess, cuck, triggered and libtard are in your vocabulary as well. Nothing I stated expressed any "butthurt", but I supposed in your pea brain mind you manufactured that somehow. Enjoy your racism and lack of education.

I'm kinda cringing that I put that up now that cause of death has been revealed.

You're an absolute moron, what are you even doing here? Breitbart is over there by the spooge mops.

I didn't name call, it's a fact that he is those labels. Go ahead and keep bringing up past presidents and deflecting like the good little brainwashed sheep you are.

What facts? The ones you (R)ejects get from Fox News?

Idiocracy was Mike Judge, you know, creator of Office Space and Beavis and Butthead. Trey and Matt had nothing to do with it. I think you are thinking of BASEketball.

"You keep pissing us off and we'll make things worse!"- Every right winger on every message board.

Secretary of Agriculture- Cookie Monster NOM NOM NOM NOM

Who do YOU mean you people?- Alpa Chino.

Are you seriously that stupid?

No we wouldn't, a sexist, racist moron is the same by any other name.


Zoolander happened to be on tv today, and Trump has a cameo in it, almost had to turn it off just for that.

I gotta agree with him. I'm a man and hate this man that is the subject of this article. So there definitely is man-hate.