Bob Sacamano

I wonder if the big villain in this game is young Nasty Man.

Gotcha, I know my wife loves that show, but I think she only watches it on DVR, so no big loss. Maybe ABC is biding their time until the NFL contracts at other networks come up and they will try to get back into that cash cow.

In that NBC is desperate to crack the 9 pm time slot on Sunday? Not sure what you mean, exactly.

So when she against Trump she was at least decent to look at at, now that she's on his side she's gone full Cryptkeeper. I guess the Dark Side does affect one physically as well.


You can't get live, updated information on how Alfonso Ribeira is doing on YouTube. That's the main draw.

That's a bold move to move a Friday show to go up against the likes of Sunday Night Football and whatever shows are on AMC (whether is Walking dead or Fear the Walking Dead) and the movie channels tend to show their big guns on Sunday nights.

Hearing aids, life alert and reverse mortgages are not the kind of sponsors that networks are pining for in prime time.

"Watch my back"- "Your back just got punched two times".

They had people listen to Howard Stern and try to copy that (cough* Jaywalking).

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog will put the system on trial!

Or not as bad as Leno swiping most of his material (and personnel, too) from Howard Stern.

It could have 100 million viewers but if it's getting shitty advertising demographic viewers it's meaningless. Advertisers don't want to buy time to showcase their products to people who aren't going to buy it.

What this show needed was MORE POWER!!!! ruff ruff ruff.

I just want the shaman to say to Bruce-"The wrong kid died!"

Wonder Woman and Lois Lane are feuding aliens residing on Earth!!!!

The only thing out of place is the fact that Cat would even agree to go to lunch with him..

OK, it makes sense now, thanks for clarification.. although I don't know what a puka or brownie is either, I mean, I eat brownies. so we aren't on the same page there. All the other stuff you said makes sense though.

I….DECLARE……BANKRUPTCY!!!! -Micheal Scott.

The Crypt Keeper is offended by this statement.