Bob Sacamano

Just call more ladies.

The only scene in DHWAV where they tried to trick him was riding in the elevator down to the reserve, where McClain noticed in a reflection that once of the guys was wearing the badge number of a cop he talked to earlier who conveniently told him said badge numbers because he plays them in the lottery every week. He

You're forgetting everything in Alabama is at least 30 years behind modern times.

What a hothead.

Two weeks!

Where the person who gets fired has to sit front row unprotected as he smashes a watermelon in front of them?

well it was intentional, I assume the OP meant Dreama Walker, not Dream Walker.

to what?

I smoke cigarettes because it helped me stop smoking cigarettes doesn't fit this graph, though.

NC-17 means no one under 18 at all, even with an adult present.

Don't call me guy, pal!

Edit: Conversion- I don't think just talking about it will do anything.

Whooooa Dream Walker, I believe you can get me thru the niiiiihiiight.


17 or accompanied by an adult.

Or they have the Camelot repeat performer card which entitles you to a free mind wiping after 10 previous ones.

My in-laws just moved out of Indy and hated him too, and they are generally right leaning! So my question is, how the hell did he get elected governor?

They need to go to flying toaster conversation camps.

But that highly contradicts the Trumpeters predictions that Trump will go '24, then Pence to '32 and then finally a woman president with Ivanka going until '40!

I'm pretty sure you can add negative connotation to his name, but as long as it's followed the Christian part, the right wingers will drool like the apes they are.