Bob Sacamano

Will you be playing RE7?

Hell no! As someone who's area is littered with Y'inzers nothing makes me happy than seeing those toothless yokels cry.

Ha! I'm pretty sure the last movie Mrs. Sacamano and I went to was Kick-Ass. We tend to view new movies thru not so conventional means now. We are what's wrong with America.

Hello Jesus, I want to play a game..

25 years? My friends and used to do a thing we called Wednesday night all-stars our senior year where we'd get drunk and watch Wayne's World… and this was in 1996. I recently asked one of said guys that partook in this if he and his wife would like to go see a band next month with my wife and I. His response- "shitty

Hooray for Micheal Richard's cameos!

Actually I was thinking of filing a grievance with the union.

I mean, Delaware..

Likewise, I remember the old British reruns they played and became an instant fan.

Come on now be optimistic, the end of the world clock just started six months ago! We still have time!

No worries, I didn't find what you said dismissive, just your opinion which, like I said to each their own. I skipped RE3 and RE4 and didn't pick up until again until RE5 (with the game play being the same of RE4). To me it seemed like a different kind of game altogether, where RE1 and 2 were slower and involved more

Well that depends on the year, at least to me, I was playing RE1 on a PS1 and RE2 on N64, at the time you couldn't get better than that and those games were revolutionary in terms of gameplay/story (at the time). I actually replayed RE1 on a simulator and enjoyed just as much. To each their own, though.

How about that Howard Stern!? The man is immature..

I have a hard time believing Marty Funkhouser would be a gamer, maybe Super Dave, but not Marty..

When did you start playing them? RE1 and 2 were hours wasted of my college years because they were so addicting and fun.

anyone know if you will be able to do multiplayer missions in RE7 like RE6 where someone could just drop in and assist?

They should bring back their original choice, Tom Selleck. Now that'd be an mind fuck!

But how would they do that, she was the resistance leader in VII, just say oh yeah by the way she's dead?

But really isn't Luke and Leia all that's left of the old guard? Sure there's Chewbacca and the droids. You really want Luke Skywalker killed off Alderaan style? That would be a disastrous way for him to go out like that.

Well to me he will always be pig vomit, every time I see him I amcompelled to say W eeeeeennnnnnnn BC