Richard Williams

God, thank you for detonating this false equivalence stuff. It can never happen too many times.

Slavery was legal.

Elections. Oh yeah where 3,000,000 more people vote for a candidate but the other one wins? Or winner take all electoral system where my vote in Florida didn’t mean shit because  all the state’s electoral votes went repub and where even though I live in a liberal city my congresswoman is a republican because I live

I’m sure the donor class, with enough billions to populate Mars and have a river of champagne waiting there when they arrive, are really going to be hurt by our decision to switch from Verizon to Sprint or what the fuck ever.

Everyone who wants to vote doesn’t necessarily get to, though.

Fuck her.

Decorum didn’t get us into this situation, and decorum won’t get us out of it. Blatant hatred and destructive behaviour should NOT be met with decorum. So yeah, fuck decorum.

Man, do I agree with this, being a NYT subscriber. Nothing pisses me off more than when the grey lady panders elliptically to the comfortable centrist. Except of course comfortable centrists themselves. Assholes. We need Pol Pot’s dirty fingernail test given to all Columbia J school graduates going forward.

I’m going to give them credit and go the 4D chess route. They knew it was far more likely that she would say/do something insensitive or complete out of touch, so they said “What can we do that will make the media so annoyed that they won’t even notice the train wreck that will probably happen?” Wearing a coat that

“The First Lady turned to the children and in a sweet but somber tone began, ‘I truly understand your pain. Day after day, trapped. You don’t know who you can talk to or who around you actually cares. Even with all the fancy toys,’ as she gestured to some games and potato chips the children had scattered around their

Fuck, I’ve found myself thinking, “Man, I hope Kim Jung Un totally plays Trump like I think he will.”

The further you rise in the corporate world, the more you come to understand that nobody actually knows anything.

The more we mock, deride, and shame them in public, the less ubiquitous they will be. This is a war of momentum and attrition, and it’s up to each one of us to make sure that the fascists don’t win. Especially people like Lewandowski, who isn’t currently on the Trump payroll, working in the White House, or holding

These people need to feel what Nazis felt after 1945.

I am generally against screwing with peoples food in restaurants but this guy needs to never feel safe eating in public again. He should also never be able to walk down a street without people reminding him what a scumbag he is.

I hope they have this story in there too

Vanity Fair reported that Scott Melker, a Penn classmate, wrote on Facebook, “Donald Jr. was a drunk in college. Every memory I have of him is of him stumbling around on campus falling over or passing out in public, with his arm in a sling from injuring himself while drinking.

He has to keep clapping. Because listening too Trumplethinskin’s constant old man yells at clouds banter cause’s ole Mikey too break out in feverish fits of rage masturbation.

why is it that people routinely travel from non-capitalist countries to capitalist ones?

As if it’s not bad enough to hear this from the orange anus, we also have to be subjected to seeing that rat bastard Pence stand there with that smug look on his face while applauding his master’s insanity.