Richard Williams

Those who say we shouldn’t call Ivanka a cunt, should not interupt those doing it.

This! Founding Fathers didn’t expect total capitulation from the Legislative Branch, ignoring it’s check and balance authority, to let this asshole run rampant. When governments fail its charter (i.e.: Constitution), the people must react. Revolutions are still a thing, right?

Uh, CNN, you know there’s a war in Yemen right? What about all those ballots that burned in Iraq right after a controversial recount was called? What about widespread looting in Ifrin and Idlib by Turkish-allied rebel groups? Or the Rohingya, most of whom are still living in camps in Bangladesh? Oh, or all those

This dumb fucking asshole.

That’s right ...yet somehow there is still this detached- from- reality group of talentless morons living among us who approves everything this dick says. Mindboggling.

“Shut the fuck up you feckless cunt.”

“Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it.” -Chinese Proverb

Does it rhyme with ‘schmeckless schmunt’?

“Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it.”

If there was only a pithy and accurate term to describe Ivanka, but I’m at a loss.....

The Republican President, who refuses to give up his unsecured cell phone, is worried about information leaks.

Hey, Canada! Californian here. Any desire for more beach front territory, a healthy tech sector, and kick ass tacos? Because if you were to roll tanks flying the maple-leaf flag down here I don’t think we’ll put up much of a fight at this point. Oregon and Washington will probably be pushovers too. Just sayin’...

“Kim must not see American weakness,” Kudlow told CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Yep, they really need to keep bashing Canada. No one, no one in the world except Russia hates Canadians. No one sees this as some power move from Canada, or that we “backstabbed” the USA. All they see, and social media proves it, is an unhinged Trump ranting like the madman he is. There’s no end game, the world will

He’s a disruptive immoral wanna-be kleptocrat, and I honestly wonder at the G6+1 for enabling him by giving him a platform to spew his megalomaniacal, unscheduled ramblings. I would’ve been like “You leave early, you leave early, but you don’t get to barf at the rest of the class and then not stay and clean it up. You

Worth noting that this guy and his wife are a couple of Trump’s closest legal confidants.

Wow, who could have suspected ads produced by the Truth Initative would be soooooo shitty?
My grandfather was a lifetime smoker (13 until just before he died at 69 [nice]) and I watched his health deteriorate until he died when I was 13. It was the best anti-smoking ad you could ask for. I’ve never touched a tobacco

Everybody could see that Spicer was really struggling to get through this job and stay sane. I think it’s not any easier for Huckleberry Sanders, but she keeps a tighter lid on it. Instead of stammering and fuming for weeks like Sean did, one day she’ll get a normal amount of pushback from a reporter and she’ll start

“sentient” Whoa, slow down, there, buddy!