Richard M Tyson

In my opinion, any shower head is great. I mean, you get clean, the other person gets clean, and when you get done it’s usually dinner time. Oh wait, is this an advert? Damn it

In my opinion, any shower head is great. I mean, you get clean, the other person gets clean, and when you get done

This picture gets two balls

Maybe this person had a nice, meaningful life. But now I doubt it.

There’d still be punches thrown. At the tv after someone scores with .01 seconds left to win the game. Fuckin’ FIFA

This is brilliant marketing. Its for “our security”. Yeah yeah. We not only have to buy their shitty food and drinks but eventually there will be a gold card line or something like it that people can get pre-screened for and will have to pay extra for in order to go through the line quicker. It’s the fucking airports

You’re on fire today. Well done.

This is how I look in my mind when I’m playing. In reality, nope

Fantasy football is all luck. If you want a measure of skill in selecting players, play fantasy baseball with the real men and leave the women to swoon over Brady and company.

The only people who think this was a good play call are Seahawks fans who have to justify losing the Superbowl on such a absurd and awful play call. Just own it and move on, Russell Wilson apologists.

Dombrowski has a track record of selling off minor league talent for overpriced veterans and then not winning a championship. As a Yankees fan I'm excited to see him jettison Betts, Bradley jr, and the rest of them for one or two shots at a title and then years of failure.

That is the Angriest Canadian I’ve ever heard.

Pretty sure it was this lady.

Better than the Scott Walker speech earlier when there were a bunch of pissed-on Iowans.

I’m pretty sure men always know how women will feel in any given situation.

My High School year book lists my ambition as : To kill Reggie Miller

I was actually living in Asia at during the Lin times and was able to watch Knicks games at really weird hours. So much fun! I liked the Oakley/Starks/Ewing teams a lot more though. nothing like a 68-58 final score with 4 ejections and a Van Gundy holding on for dear life. #BringbackJeff

If it wasn’t so laughable I’d be really upset. Every year I think they may get better and delude myself into really believing that for about two games. Then I buy the NBA package and watch them turn basketball into the ugliest game on the planet for the next 80 games. It’s a vicious cycle. Hoping to break it this

I wish I could be un-grayed on Deadspin just to comment on my Knicks. Carmelo is not the problem. I would say that lies directly on years of sacrificing any chance at building a roster in order to sign a ton of failed free agents. And of course, Isiah Thomas. He will drive me from the Knicks after three decades of