Richard M Tyson

Golf is so lame, even the jokes suck

Came here to say this, but since it’s been said I want to go on the record by saying Ben Affleck is going to be the worst Batman ever.

I would still trade Kristaps for this guy.

In defense of Harrelson, there are far worse announcers out there. I watch a lot of baseball via the mlb package and without a doubt the most annoying, punch able announcer is F P fucking Santangelo. I would jab him in the throat with a pen if I ever saw him. Also the Detroit announcers are miserable. Though I have no

Also regarding Nietzsche, he was a syphlitic aryan with mommy issues and the burden of having inspired the third reich. He probably would have enjoyed non-alcoholic beer

This commercial proves that over population is a problem. Not only are there too many people in the world, there are too many “famous” people as well.

Since he’s Irish I’ll assume by “playing soccer” he meant “drinking everything in sight before blacking out”

Agreed. And I also hate getting destroyed by what I assume are 13 yr old kids with better reflexes than me. I’ve been playing video games since Atari, you fuckers! Leave me alone!

The Leftovers is better than this show. And that show is slow, painfully boring, and filled with backstory.

according to the youtube commenters it’s a parody from the song “Olas-Zemgus Girgensons”

Lifelong Knicks fan/Masochist here. FML. Also, (loses the will to write anymo..

First perfect list. EVER.

He was overcome with excitement.

Not the first long range bomb that caught Japan off guard.

Vote for Bernie. I don’t understand why everyone is just obliged to vote for this neo-con just because....well I don’t know why. Main stream media tells you she is the only one with a chance, I guess?

Please show me the math that has a professional team not being worth a ton of money. They get publicly financed stadiums, extremely lucrative TV deals, and massive tax breaks. Some owners stink at running the teams, but they don’t stink at making money. Your opinion is flat out wrong.

Hate it or not, but the Yankees are the best team in professional sports. If they don’t make the playoffs it’s an outrage. And in a sport more dominated by parity than any other, it’s amazing that they keep winning year after year and are never allowed to rebuild. Every team has lots of money, not every owner wants to