Richard M Tyson

Which crime was committed again?

Again, I simply asked about the distinction between police protocol and law. I don't usually get involved in internet nonsense like this, but since you're here. Why don't you come and teach my "nitwit" "idiot" ass something? Or maybe you could stop using a burner account on your moms computer. Either way, I don't

Okay so next time you're minding your own business and the police want to handcuff you and get your information, you're gonna be okay with it? I also asked if police protocol was the same thing as a law. I assume you're a cop and have no answer for anything anyway. Ass clown.

police protocol still dictated that they needed to enter the building to asses the threat in full riot gear with assault weapons, address each of us individually, take each person out individually, handcuff each of us, and sit us down in the business next door to Digital Press for approximately 20 minutes where we

I have no idea and frankly a Gawker site is the last place I'd attempt to weigh in on the topic.

I just clicked on this article and my computer told me I'm wasting my life. Not sure if it meant at work or watching HH twerk. Probably both. Now going to Lifehacker to reevaluate things and maybe buy an app of some sort.

Money turns me on sometimes too.

Who eats Ketchup?

TL:DR. Went to find boobs on internet.

I like the simple jokes.

Americans Against America And Cowherd #AAAAC

Oregonians Against Cowherd. #OAC

I was in NH for a couple early years of grade school. We were going to take a class trip to the state capitol. I was pulled off the bus for not having completed all of my spelling homework and was forced to spend the day alone at school (I was a straight A 4th grader btw). We moved shortly there after.

I didn't like the term compulsive either. My lady and I use oils and scarves and toys and she has even given me a lap dance wearing lingerie and gloves because I thought that would be hot. It was, and we both enjoyed the whole thing. We also have "normal" sex too.

Do you even lift?

Well done, women. We appreciate the effort every time. I guess this whole process is why women give better gifts too.

This seems like A TON of work. Is this what it's like when women go shopping?

Carmello has got to have a clause in his contract about this many white boys on his team.

Knicks fan here. Can we trade Oakley and get Mason back?

Holy shit, is this article over yet?