How far can you punt a Joseph Patterson?
How far can you punt a Joseph Patterson?
Let's kickstart it
I'll fight him. Fuck it.
The team with the most beards usually wins.
Jesus, that's just another form of torture for those poor people. All the weed in the world and no munchies to be had.
Swearengen, that is. Sorry I get too excited when talking about Deadwood. Either way, I wanna be like him when I grow up.
Swearnegen would walk the entire thing or have Dan carry him. Bullock would run purely out of hate for the hills
Rich corporation gets richer by promoting rich athletes getting hurt. Jacked up! Fuck espn
I guess steroids can't help you hit the ball.
Gin will start the night hitting on you and end up with your mother.
I never knew Schiano's agent was named mfoleyny. Interesting.
I relocated my Madden team to Mexico City and they're thriving. I could also offer some important trade advice if needed. The NFL needs my Maddening skills.
I'll give anyone a second chance. Just tell me you don't live and die with football.
You're an idiot.
I thought we were all done with the bad Asian accents.
I would like football so much more without the fans and the mindlessness involved. So this study makes me happy. Die fat pigs, die.
I see hitters unable to drop down a bunt to beat a shift every day in baseball. It seems to me, the basics are absent in mlb.
Could be that I would rather stab my ears with a fork than listen to Chris Berman
I love fun. I love baseball. I just think the homerun derby blows.
Nothing can fix homerun derby. I'd be more interested in seeing a skills challenge involving throwing, running, and bunting.