SID 8.0

Given Fishburnes also in it, I'm surprised they didn't go for the trifecta

I think Sapochnik is slightly better (Hardhome is probably my favorite episode of the series), but damn this series has been blessed with some astounding directors.


He had to excommunicate him officially, he can’t have someone break the rules of The Continental.

Sheesh, no wonder why cops are so trigger happy for small sudden movements.

I had not heard that before, but I love the idea. That’s the way movies should get made.

Yes please

I love the fact that Keanu Reeves took the role of John Wick as a favor to his former stunt double who is the director of the series.

Impressive that we get this trailer and this in a short span.

Just please stick this straight into my veins please

Is also like she forgot that England was working to abolish the slave trade (that it helped to start) in 1833, and had outlawed it on English soil in the late 1700's. So no America didn’t do shit until the rest of the English speaking world moved on

You can’t even give this the benefit of doubt for being stupid—it’s willful ignorance. How you’re a grown ass woman saying some downright ignorant shit is almost amazing.

This is the problem when White people simply decide not to even bother with Black history--which is American history by the way--simply because

So Pavlich wants black people to stop blaming the current generation of white people for America’s original sin of slavery, but also wants black people to acknowledge or, worse, thank the current generation of white people for its end/abolishment/whatever?

I was thinking the same thing — listening to that woman, a light went on, and I realized I never thanked that guy who locked me up, for having the courtesy to eventually stop raping me, even going to the trouble of dumping me back on the street without cutting my throat. But we kind of fell out of touch, and that was

I like how she made it real passive when it comes to thanking: “They never give America credit” but real personal when it comes to blaming: “start blaming people who had nothing to do with slavery for the sin of slavery.” Bitch you can’t ask for credit for ending slavery in 1865 but not take blame for perpetuating

Thank you, Grand Negus.

Remind me to send flowers and a thank-you card to my kidnappers. I wouldn’t want to violate any norms of polite society. /s

Yet another variation on the theme “Why y’all keep bringing up old shit?”

Thank you, Grand Negus. I love sharing your work with the white Midwestern folks on my friends list who think that bitches like this might just have a point. It's funny, I have the ability to read your work as a white person without ever feeling personally attacked.