SID 8.0

How about the assumption is Dustin is a right-wing asshole already so any scorn directed toward him would be a waste of time. Tiger has been an asshole in the past but this move takes him to a whole other level of asshole behavior.

Dude, go see Get Out.

I haven’t seen Get Out, so I don’t get the reference. But if Peele’s implying that Tiger Woods isn’t a shitty person himself, I got some bad news for him.

What about Tiger’s past actions have lead you to believe he wasn’t a douchebag, prior to today? Pretty sure lots of people have known he was a douchebag for awhile now.

You sound like an unpleasant prick. Your mom should have aborted.

You sound like an unpleasant prick. Your mom should have aborted.

No he’s a guitar player in the popular band Aerosmith.

So you are saying that Bradley Whitford isn’t a brain surgeon?

I think in this environment, he should be aware of how this could be perceived.

I love Get Out. I love Jordan Peele. I hate Trump. And I’m indifferent about Tiger Woods. But Woods has every right to play golf with whoever he wants

Also, they found a way to get around Willa Holland’s reduced episode count, which was very awkward last year. Here’s to hoping we’ll get a proper amount of Thea (who is the best), and God-willing, she’ll suit up as Speedy once again.

I really hope they start doing something with alt-Laurel, because her vamping, strutting, and Canary Crying are starting to grow tiresome.

...and a birthday gift? :)

...which has zero to do with the matter at hand, but thanks for (attempting) playing.

He looked like his suit was almost glowing at the end of Justice League, which I actually quite liked. It had clearly been saturation boosted in the grade, but it kind of drew the eye whenever he was on screen, which could have been distracting but I thought was actually a nice little touch.

“It’s a far cry from his city-levelling scrap with Zod in Man of Steel.”

I put my kids through college trolling WB/DC movies online.

I was gonna see it, but Disney paid me $10 bucks not to go.

No, you fool! You’ve doomed us all!