SID 8.0

Definitely in my top 10 episodes of the show and TV in general. The sudden silence of the wind and then the dogs barking created a level of suspense that has not been duplicated since. The ensuing battle was absolutely crazy and kinetic. And then that ending, oh that ending. The Night King showing Jon that no matter

Why, why do they exist?

I have resigned myself to the fact that I am going to play this game until my thumbs fall off. I absolutely love it. Only part of the review I agree with is the transporting you to the next screen if you stop to look or read something that isn’t part of the main mission during a task. That’s a little annoying.

I’m in.

Just noticing how small the soldier in the gold armor looks after seeing The Mountain wearing that uniform. The helmet looks too big on him and on Cleagan it looks too small.

It better end with Blade hunting him down.

the Virgin Mary candle put it right over the top.

Yes! “Papa, Papa.”

What made it work was it looked like Hader was reading those lines for the first time.

The best episode this season, it knocked the Matt Damon ep out of the top spot. The monologue had me in tears, who else could do a bit about sirens and have it work that well? A gay cat dying in a cat hospice surrounded by loved ones? My God that’s funny! Plus the police sirens sounding like they were talking to each

I don’t even think you need a law degree to be a lawyer there.

I was going to say the sex scene in Biloxi Blues when Eugene loses his virginity at a brothel but that was played for laughs. Still unsexy though.

Daredevil season3 is the top dog of the list. The rest it gets very hard to rank where they would go...but Iron Fist season 1 is definitely at the bottom. 

If you would’ve told me five years ago that, Aquaman and Wonder Woman would be the ones to right the DCEU ship I would’ve backed away from you slowly as to not agitate or anger you. Neptune’s beard that was good movie! The best the DCEU has put out. It embraces the crazy and doesn’t look back and it all works so well.


I say stop, you say go. But you can't tell me what to do so I say phooey, phooey, phooey on you. 

Teen Donald, "This family is so weird." 

Fuck yeah! That had me completely hyped.

The only way that could’ve been better is if the aide that went after him had a butterfly net. He’s. Our. President! Run for your lives!

Nah, man. He rocked it.