SID 8.0

The last few minutes of the film I realized that I was gripping the arms of my chair in anger. Funny, sad, powerful, and exciting movie everyone should see.

General corporal sergeant colonel Erran Morad of the Not Mossad is by far my favorite new TV character. His little laugh at Gretchen’s comment about leaving her deadbeat husband was absolute gold. The onslaught on girly man, Slade was master class trolling.

Well, Tim is having some bad, bad luck. Way to go Social D.

Red Death, “Well, I very much like to kill.” LOL!

So, Billy Bush is a yacht salesman now?

“Can I get a woop, woop?”


This is our life now.

What in the hell is exhibiting the characteristics of an armed person? Please tell me so I know what not to do.

It is epically funny. I read it out loud to my cousin over the phone and it took on a whole new level of funny, I was in tears. Whoa! That crazy.

Gaffigan is a comedy icon now, he earned it by just being an workman artist. On @Midnight he had one of my favorite jokes ever. A self help book by Buffalo Bill from Silence Of The Lambs, “Just a couch and a van. How to get the girl of your dreams.” I’ll be checking this out.

Is Jody part zombie or something?

I smell a robot! Prove, prove.

That could’ve just as easily been a series finale. Was, Stubbs a host too? That ending was pure Ex-Machina, out there in the big bad world with their abilities and able to become anyone they want is a wide open platform for next season. I’m glad Hale got hers in the end, she deserved those bullets. That’s got to be Wil


Not his dad, just the son of Kong?

As soon as Helen flattened herself out between 4 cars so Bob could use her as a springboard to launch himself at the Underminer’s drill I was smiling ear to ear. So glad to have the Parr’s back. That type of team work is missing from a lot of superhero movies now.

Exactly. I think about that line from Dash a lot at work. The procedures we do have very specific set of tasks that need to get done in order or it doesn’t work. Sometimes I work with people who want to skip steps and start at another spot instead. This gets me a little angry because we can’t have everything as

I’ve inoculated myself against surprise when it comes to these celebrity outings. We’re all human and capable of great love and pain. So when I heard about this I was shocked but not surprised. I liked the guy but I don’t look up to anyone anymore, that’s just disappointment in waiting. It took real courage for

Blade: instant classic. Blade 2: even better. Blade Trinity: we seem to have lost a wheel and are grinding metal. Trinity had one good thing in it and that was the final fight between Blade and Dracula. Best in the series.