What the fuck... Every other game’s animation, character models, lighting, environment details suddenly look like shit compared to this.
What the fuck... Every other game’s animation, character models, lighting, environment details suddenly look like shit compared to this.
Correction... it’s actually 2014:
Ellie has been revealed as a lesbian since 2013.
Hmmm, the character models look a bit off for a Capcom Japan game. Compare Leon’s and Claire’s faces to Chris’s from RE7 and Nero’s from DMC5 and you’ll see.
Heh... This doesn’t look like it’s made by Capcom Japan, is this made by Capcom US? The character models, the lighting, the environment details and Claire’s new clothes, they don’t look and feel the same as DMC5 and RE7.
Taking a break?! What the fuck kinda E3 conference is this?
They’re showing 4 first party games “deep dives”. There will be other announcements and showings from third parties.
Eh... I’m not even a fan nor I have any attachment to FFVII. But if anyone is hoping to see FFVII this E3, Sony’s press conference is your best bet.
FFVII can still show up at Sony’s conference. In fact, I think Sony must have a contract that FFVII can only be shown at Sony’s events or something.
Heh... so Microsoft finally got a year old PS4 console exclusive, and Platinum made another PS4 console exclusive for 2019. So... this will probably come to Xbox on 2020? I’m think at this rate, Microsoft will still be playing catch up well into next gen.
Good conference. It’s conference that restored faith to Xbox owners, but not one that would win new fans or win E3.
I don’t get why Sumo Digital is making this game... aside from Little Big Planet 3 and several other small action games, majority of their games have been racing games and tennis games. Why chose them?
Inui seems on board with it.
Really? This game piqued my interest when it was first revealed at E3 2016, mainly due to the size of the horde on screen, but it never really wowed me. It looks okay, but the character looks bland and the gameplay feels generic with no real hook to make it stand out (other than the number of enemies on screen of…
Nah, when it was revealed in PGW 2015, it looked good. The first trailer looks mature if cliched. I thought David Cage has finally grew up from his cartoon-ish writing.
I called it. Even at his most accessible and most coherent, David Cage’s writing is still shallow and cartoonish. This is his most realistic settings yet, but the Android racism is so cartoonishly over the top, everything feels so forced and fake.
Yeah, I don’t have a Switch and PS4 had a brutal Q1, Q2 2017, it was jam-packed with great PS4 games, I chose Gravity Rush2, Horizon, Nioh and Persona 4 over Nier. Haven’t had a good samurai game in a long time and the two Nioh demos were sooo good (played 40 hours of the apha demo, and 20 hours of the beta demo),…
Ooh, this will probably be more successful on Xbox, with it being a new launch.
It’s not that. I think I have a problem with Japanese game devs portrayal of most Western characters, mostly modern Western characters like RE’s Leon and fantasy Western characters like Squall and Noctis. They are just not well written, cheesy and trope-y compared to how Western to devs write them. Japanese have their…
Ah, I see.