
One can make the argument that since Israel is specifically a “Jewish State”

Is Israel the same thing as Jews? Israel is a country, and they have a foreign policy. Jews are people who practice religion regardless of country of origin.  If an American Jew criticizes Israel, is that Anti Semetic?

As the son of two LEOs, I used to wonder how it was that these “bad apples” managed to stay on the departmental tree for so goddamned long.

It took far longer than I’m proud to admit to realize that it’s the willingness of the “good cops” to look the other way that allows these shitbags with badges to remain on the

That’s why there needs to be laws.  The general public health should never be left to the whims of people who willfully ignore evidence.

No, but a lot of prominent ones are. Antivaxxers actually run a gamut of rich to poor, various races, various cultures. What happens is someone manages to find the thread that works—for rich white people it’s claiming vaccines make you autistic, for the ultrareligious it’s usually* that their holy text doesn’t mention

Yep. There are now help sites for kids who know they should be vaccinated but whose parents won’t let them so the kids know their options--not a lot unless emancipated or turn 18, sadly. The kids have done nothing wrong.

I have a relative that still has eyesight effected by the measles back from before the vaccine was available. (yes.. a super long time ago.)

Heres another thought.. if one has actively denied vaccination for a disease like this, treatment should be costly. Remove coverage for this from any insurance and multiply the cost of treatment by some large factor.

These people are using the medical facilities to keep their children alive and still end up with a

Whitaker is like a guy who for years is a low level salesman for Soylent Green, constantly extolling its virtues with no idea of the truth. Then he’s unexpectedly promoted to upper management where, to his horror, everything is revealed to him.

Rashomon, my friend.

I find this whole incident very confusing:

As someone who not only lives in Virginia, but also Richmond and is decently aware of the political doings of the Democratic Party of Virginia, please allow me to explain: Mayor Stoney wants to be governor one day. He is one of those establishment Democrats who played the long game to get elected Mayor. He’s a “Yessa

One time I saw this older, white-haired guy getting all handsy in a restaurant booth with a young companion who looked about half his age. The whole vibe was really creepy. So I called the police to report a child molestation in progress, and dang if it wasn’t John & Cindy McCain on their first date.

I think this goes to the whole Trump supporter conundrum. McCain actually thought she stopped a crime…….except it was only in her head. This must be the cognitive dissonance going on in approx 30% of the US voting population. In their heads they are seeing something that is not there.

I had something similar happen.

“What makes the all more puzzling is that McCain and her husband adopted their daughter Bridget from Bangladesh in 1993.”

Everyone has that “one relative” in America who insists they have Native American “blood” and Warren’s family wasn’t any different. Digging through articles on the subject show that her family tree is somewhat “muddled”.

A lot of people have argued that she claimed to be Native American for some sort of “benefit”, but

Do you know how they are claiming that she benefited, exactly? The same old lie that non-white people are just handed jobs, etc.?

Nancy Pelosi invited Donald Trump, so I think she loses.

One of the most infuriating things in the past two years has been the way in which Democrats and even some members of the left have suddenly become pro-FBI in a disgustingRah-rah let’s support the Bureau” kind of way.