This is by far my favorite, especially because of the guys sheer enthusiasm. And those weight savings. Looks pretty driveable too.
This is by far my favorite, especially because of the guys sheer enthusiasm. And those weight savings. Looks pretty driveable too.
The CC in top spec. hits $180.000 in Denmark.
Where is that damn like button?! Wait...
My Porsche 928 also pipes in sound to the cabin ... I really need to fix that leaky exhaust.
I'd take the 944 unless the '68 comes with the original engine. Installing american iron in a Porsche is like installing a 90" TV in a church showing nothing but hardcore porn - shameful and pointless.
Someone needs stronger glasses.
That rear wiper is ridiculously small. So I've made my arrow and circle ridiculously large.
Automatic in the 'vette - why?
Came for naked ladies.
Nein, nein, nein! Doppelkupplungsgetriebe!! Moar weird letters, mein herr.
Last fill-up was $200.
Wouldn't look out of place as a character on Lilo & Stitch. (Oh shut up, I have a niece)
I'm at about this stage of WTF.
I voted NP because it's just incredibly beautiful.
I voted NP because it's just incredibly beautiful.
No parking spaces for disabled people were available at the time of the photoshoot...
BMW E39 5 series?
Renault Avantime.
Which is why I, specifically, wrote auto+4cyl. That combo, not anything else.