
The Kia Rodent.

Those were the days :)

@Zadkiel: Davids chin couldn't possibly fit under there..

Is he giving it a prostate exam??

I'm digging that car list and there is probably gonna be a couple of DLC's too.

@Scandinavian Flick: I love it - start with a facebook-group. Isn't that how everything starts nowadays?

Sweeet an inline, 8 cylinder diesel engine made by BM..... waaait a minute.

@gm0n3y: One small thing - Countach's are 2wd...

I drive my 924 all year round.

Could someone please do a Cocaine Bear 'shop?

Imagine pulling into the carpark at Tescos in THAT?!

Does it get any better? YES.

That is one big pipe!