targeting our technology sector and making them out to be villains, simply because they’re trying to create jobs and [build] our local economy, is just a backwards approach.
targeting our technology sector and making them out to be villains, simply because they’re trying to create jobs and [build] our local economy, is just a backwards approach.
Maybe that’s where all this confusion came from.
Everyone should do what they want with their own sex lives, but it doesn’t make one “strong willed” to abstain from something that isn’t important to them.
Perhaps but I think she was just talking about her own experience and saying that it’s unfair to assume Ciara and Wilson are either gay or lying about waiting. Some people do that and are happy. My husband and I lived together before we got married so we didn’t make that choice. And most other people don’t wait as…
No, there was no correlation whatsoever. We were also abstinent for the first year of our relationship with no problem. I broke up with him because I was going through a deep depression and didn’t feel that it was fair to drag him down with me. He begged and pleaded for us to get back together.
I think the key word is “last year of our relationship”. I wonder if there was any correlation between being abstinent for a year, and that year being the end of the relationship?
Nope. I’m most comfortable with the Bible as it was written. Who would do the revising anyways? Slave owners in the 1700's? Sex traffickers of today? Maybe strike off the “love your enemies” or that every person has the image of God imprinted on him or her?
The fact that you’re hoping somebody tears this guy a new asshole when all he’s doing is offering reasonable advice with a nice heap of stuff that you certainly disagree with but is ultimately harmless says far more about you than him, and I say this as an agnostic.
I’m not sure what kind of answer “Drowning” was looking for asking someone relationship advice who 1)does not share the same faith convictions or 2)ascribes to a “whatever feels good/works for you philosophy” or 3) isn’t even a doctor.
A writer who created prison officers who made an inmate fester in their own urine, and another prison officer who made an inmate eat a live rat, and other prison officers who turn a blind eye, and a prison officer in a leadership row openly coach officers to avoid blame, is someone who “believes . . . prison officers…
yeah the show does a really good job at covering subjects like rape and police brutality because it doesn’t let you forget the victims really are victims and doesn’t try to justify it but it also shows the complexity of the situation
Literally, as soon as I got off the plane. Straight to the bathroom.
1. Shop selling expensive luxury version of an everyday product moves into a neighborhood with cheap rent
I’d pay good money for a David Attenborough narrated documentary on mustangs.
I’ve recently moved, job and all, to the country. I live 3 miles from the office. Most of my 10 minute commute is spent driving 20 mph inside my subdivision.
Secondly, more people are viewing an adult woman engaging in sexual intercourse with a minor as rape, instead of sex.
This article feels obtuse. I believe she is saying there is a difference between understandable and acceptable. Grown men started propositioning me when I was 12, because I looked like a grown woman at that age. This was both understandable and unacceptable. Can't we hold both ideas at once?
No offense intended, but you could have bought one new optioned how you wanted it, when it would have actually mattered to Cadillac. The enthusiast market cannot survive merely on used cars, folks.