
Some real winners here. I once lived in a condo. You are assigned 2 parking spots. If you violate ANY of the many rules, you will be fined by the condo association. A kangaroo court with no justice and no appeals. They stick a lean on your property so you can't leave or sell without paying first. Since I lived in the

I don't think that's a good comparison. First of all, teachers get 1/3 of the year off. So you can figure their effective salary (for comparative purposes) as more than that. Then, no matter how important the work is, there's a ceiling on how much you can be paid relative to how many people your work actually directly

Yep - and guess what, the guy with the widest spread in the video that everyone thought was most egregious was...18 inches (men tend to have wider shoulders than women too). So...all of the manspreaders you complain about in the video actually fit the standard you proposed.(and every other person in the video was

This was my experience negotiating for a car. IMO, the best approach would be to negotiate step-by-step, be firm and ready to walk away without the car.

I don't know what era you grew up in, but in my day fighting back (even if you won) meant "next time they catch you alone they'll gang up on you with a huge group of friends and/or use a weapon". It didn't deter them in the slightest - it only made them meaner. And the teachers did fuck all. I beat up on girl who was

On point one, I disagree. A full review should be made of every shooting and if the officer is shown to have acted in accordance with law/policy, that's it. The last thing you want is an officer who has previously been forced to shoot someone to save their/someone else's life, having to hesitate to protect life and

So the fact that she was threatening her nephew with that gun doesn't matter?

This is a hard one. On one hand, she could've had dementia and this is so sad. But on the other hand, cops are justified in shooting when someone is pointing a gun at them and refusing to put it down (assuming that is entirely what happened). I am absolutely against police brutality and it happens way too often to

What surprised me was that the author is a doctor. I figured he would have addressed the undetectable period one way or the other, but then again, he did just write an article attempting to weave together Michael Sam with blood donation.

Medical question: Is there any type of delay between the time a person is infected with HIV and the time it shows up in a blood test?

Matt, you are using a BS argument to foment outrage where there should be none. Your notion of rapidly detecting blood borne pathogens like HIV has no relevance to the world of Blood Banking. Blood Banks use screening tests, not diagnostic tests (if you don't immediately understand the difference you should recuse

Cunt punt?

It is clearly not unconstitutional. It is a private organisation banning it's members (or those who want to stay members) from associating with fraternities. It has no government based responsibility to provide freedom of association.

Yup. I have zero issue with male teenagers watching children. I take strong issue with sticking an M in front of a word and making it a new word. Stop it.

Enough with the bromanteaus already.

exactly right. Why don't we just call male babysitters....."babysitters"

Thank you. There's nothing inherently gendered about the word "babysitter". Now, if it were babysittress or vagina-having-mother-surrogate, I could see it.

My roommate in Uni was a waitress and her hourly wage ended up being a lot more than what I made AND she didn't declare most of her earnings for taxes because it was cash. I think wait staff complain a lot but if they had to work normal wage jobs they would be in for a rude awakening.

Yeah, I don't understand why so many people argue in favor of abolishing the tipping system for something more akin to retail. "Here, let's take this system that already pays most of its workers a living wage and replace it with something that pays essentially nobody a living wage." I understand why a lot of customers