that's better than what I got - I ate sigma pie? I couldn't figure out that part....I'll take some asian pie....
that's better than what I got - I ate sigma pie? I couldn't figure out that part....I'll take some asian pie....
wow, that seems like an amazing combination...I want that...
Yeah, but the power thing - it's amazing how much we take advantage of.
5.2, although I felt like I was doing much better... :S
Wow, sorry to hear that. That kind of puts in perspective some of the crap I've been dealing with..
I used to use this on a weekly basis at my old job.
it loses much of its effect when it's all cropped like that :(
Oh, I have what I believe to be a good one...
why does he have tattoos of sperm on his arms?
Does she make a similar product for pierced nipples? or other, less common piercings?
Here's another's full of hundreds of these
This is from "Goblin Valley" here in Utah. The last time I went there, I thought it'd have been more appropriately named "Cock Valley"
For me, this one is easy - Letting my dad's truck be sold for scrap...
for that price, you could get a v6 mustang!
He's the real napster....
I know that soundtrack - it's dubstep, right? Skrillex or something? Pretty neat how he synchronized it with the camera stopping...
You're so poplar, I pine to be able to make comments that get re(ply)s like yours!
This might be my only chance to become a super hero. However, I might unintentionally turn into "wino-man" with the ability to not hold down a steady 9-5 job, or have respectable hygiene..
Hey, my 87 towncar takes offense to that. (although in style only, stupid slow 5.0)