I'm not a superstitious kind of guy, although I am a little "stitious"...however I feel like this question will jinx us all.
I'm not a superstitious kind of guy, although I am a little "stitious"...however I feel like this question will jinx us all.
#corrections - "know I know their secret"
It's so true though...my wife has NEVER gotten a ticket. That's not to say that she's not been pulled over (because she has, several times), but between the nice rack, and the ability to cry on demand, she's NEVER been written a ticket...
not a gto :( those are hard enough to find anyway...
but then you'll have mega mutant somali pirates...that seems worse to me....
hehehe, interesting use of very long tools....
so, which came first, Ally the bank, or Alli the "weight loss" drug that made everyone poop oil?
this one sounds like a cross post from the Onion...
I agree...i was hoping for the joke of "we're going back to jalopnik classic" or something along those lines....stupid april fools, it's the Holiday of trolls, and ruins the internets!
Oh April Fools, the day that "temporarily" ruins the internet....
was that a pun? (since vulpe is the romanian word for fox?, and i think it's similar to latin for wolf)?
was it just me, or did his response time seem pretty slow there?
I agree...not speaking portugese, I just took that as a pretty awesome, hip ford ad. "Driving a ford will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams, and provide you with the accompanyment of fine women"? (then at the end it was followed by a short nissan ad for a car nobody wants..)
I hear that translates roughly into "Why did you turn, Comrade?"
I feel more sadness towards this: [jalopnik.com]
excellent choice! I was looking into these, but they seem to still be in the 15k range (if you can find one) which is more than I wanna pay...
You've sold me, I'm going to start looking for my first pair of Red Wings....
I'd heartclick you for that if I could!