
Strangely, my dad never taught me much about working on cars directly

Thanks, I guess my comment was a little misdirected (mentioned his falcon, as well as the truck), but my dad did give me the love and passion for cars that I have today.

I hadn't seen this before, but all I have to say is props to the driver for making sure she didn't take out anyone else with her.

Looking at the number of comments on this post, compared to most any others, it is clear - Us Jalops love our daddies

My dad died 5 years ago. He was only 58.

Much better than this one I saw yesterday....

@Maymar: I once heard a story about "buying" an old escort for $100 bucks, and there was some duct tape involved.

the end of the panther is something to morn.

awesome. Congratulations. Love the car (and the purple jumpsuit)..

@rebelracer6: I think the puns are my favorite part of the commentariate.

@vavon205: right said fred had more than one song?

@Ben Wojdyla: Ahh, thanks. I haven't worked much on Direct Injection engines.

How many cars are still using cam-driven fuel pumps?

@$kaycog*5000*: haha, very true. My wife is better than most. Her Dream Car (which she currently drives) is an 87 Lincoln Towncar.

@$kaycog*5000*: I dragged my mom to a carshow once. The best comment was "Look how nice the carpet is in this trunk, i could fit a lot of groceries in there" (Saturn Vue)...

@$kaycog*5000*: I'm pretty sure every guy here wishes his wife / significant other had a portion of these feelings towards any decent car!

@$kaycog*5000*: I was going to make a joke about this exactly, but wasn't sure how it'd come across.

I'd say (in order

Is that aluminum AND steel, or just aluminum? I can see it munching AL like that, but throw in the big steel blocks, and it blows my mind..