Virtually no President has accomplished what we have accomplished in the first 9 months-and economy roaring
Virtually no President has accomplished what we have accomplished in the first 9 months-and economy roaring
This is one of those things that has always, always bothered me. I can see how they might justify life of the mother because, hey, one life vs another, but incest and rape clearly don’t fit into that category. The amount of mental gymnastics needed to say that life begins at a certain point in time and having an…
Further points against Cameron include the unnecessary scare quotes that indicate that women directing action franchises in Hollywood is not out of the ordinary. Is Cameron thinking of his ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow, a woman who has directed many an action-oriented film, but not an action franchise?
They also feel confident that they’ve got the money to pay a doctor the next time their sidepiece needs an abortion, so even if all the clinics are closed, the fucktards will be fine.
That paradox is actually one of the things that helped lead me out of Christianity. I believed life began at conception and that abortion was murder and should therefore be illegal, with commensurate penalties. It also seemed monstrously cruel not to have exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother. But those…
You’d at least think they’d load up a bill like that with money for free prenatal care for pregnant women, but of course they don’t actually care about the fetus.
Exactly. Since when is the punishment for murder a fine or five years? Which is it assholes?
silly rabbit, women aren’t people.
Days ago Hillary wrote that they should deploy the SNS Comfort and that Sec. Mattis and the Dept. of Defense needed to get the fuck on with it. I just keep thinking that if she were president, maybe the people who died today when a San Juan hospital generator ran out of diesel and their machines shut off, would still…
No. It actually has nothing to do with the “Satan” from Christian scriptures. From their FAQ (Do You Worship Satan?):
I love that the Satanic Temple makes it their beeswax to be as ridiculously litigious as they can whenever shit like this happens. They are good eggs.
Resident of MN and self-appointed expert on winter coats, here. (I fucking hate the winter, I fucking hate the cold, why I live here is a mystery to me.) In my years in this wasteland, I’ve come up with a system that requires 2 coats, with one bonus coat. If you live anywhere that gets seriously cold/snowy in the…
“It’s a very big ocean.” Five words I do not expect to emanate from a grown man’s mouth when assessing a disaster.
We’re being terrorized by our own president. The ICE raids, the potential nuclear war because Trump wants to show that uppity North Korean whose dick is bigger, potentially deporting the Dreamers, stoking racism, our president is deliberately frightening us and dividing us. We are at a dark and terrible point in…
What are the odds he knows today? Who can convince him that brown people are Americans, too? He will never believe it.
I’m sure by now somebody has told him, but what are the odds that Trump knew Puerto Rico was part of the US a month ago?
I think, for a lot of women in the film & TV industry, learning not to outspokenly challenge male-dominated Hollywood can be a professional survival skill. Both in women I know and in interviews I’ve heard with others, you get a lot of women who are doing feminist work—writing better women characters, pushing for more…
“Come on, guys! All you have to do is be smart, driven, white, cute, traditionally feminine, but play down the cute and traditionally feminine wink-wink, and unbelievably lucky and Hollywood is your oyster! Just do what I did, it’s so easy!”
I hate it when people use the, “don’t be a victim” phrase. It devalues the emotions someone is feeling and makes you feel guilty for feeling the way you do. You can be a victim and be strong and courageous. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.