
What the fuck are you bitching about? This is amazing and a very fitting mascot for a double A ball club located in the great state of Florida.


This must be one of those “Magic Eye” pictures that I could never see. People keep telling me they see a great hitter. The Cubs told me they saw $184,000,000 worth of talent.

Do you think garbagemen want to pick up garbage?

What the fuck kind of comment is this? Jeans take a fuckin’ belt, and that’s all there is to it. Even if it’s just to fill the loops, wear a goddamn belt. No belt is some classless hillbilly shit.

If only they could find someone in England that could kick a ball

Abusing Molly is a despicable habit, regardless of what your EDM friends suggest.

First of all, +1 for the delightful turn of phrase; secondly, -1,000 for getting that stupid song STUCK IN MY HEAD.

I dunno, look at the lady to our right. The lamb definitely told a hilarious joke like:

“What do you call a sheep covered in chocolate? Candy Baa!”


“How do Spanish Sheep say Merry Christmas? Fleece Navidid!”


“Where did I get my haircut? Down at the baa-baa shop!”

They are living their best lives in this photo and

English farmer Maud Lee and her daughter Pat enjoying tea with their lamb Betty in 1949

Kerrygold’s garlic and herb butter is insanely good. I rarely use butter for anything, but do not hesitate to cook my steaks in this mana.


I dunno. He comes off as a guy who likes to get drunk and start showing off his gun collection. Pass.

I Khan smoke anything, man. I even smoke that tied stick, you know?

Just an fyi, so you can make more convincing counter-arguments in the future, you might want to check what stats you’re contesting before you condescend:

If you mean being a black athlete holding very public social views that could very well destroy his career, is there a reason NOT to compare them?

Goddamn, that fro is majestic.

Indy isn’t awful, but as a South Bend resident I don’t have high standards.

I think it would be cool if there was significant realignment out west. You have a Texas and a West Coast conference. For example.