The real reason Ray Rice isn’t on an NFL team is that there are very real concerns about his ability to produce above a replacement-level running back. This makes the redemption angle not only morally bankrupt but also somewhat delusional.
The real reason Ray Rice isn’t on an NFL team is that there are very real concerns about his ability to produce above a replacement-level running back. This makes the redemption angle not only morally bankrupt but also somewhat delusional.
A true blueshiv prospect
Jose and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad O’Day
I haven’t seen a Rough Rider throw a tantrum like that since 1912!
I'm going to New Orleans in two weeks. Other than this (which I think is good), is there any good local beers I should look out for?
That's true. The fanatics used to wear apropos fielding equipment when they rooted for their local nine, so she is continuing that tradition from the turn of the 20th Century.
I humbly submit one more rule for baseball games relating to bringing a baseball glove to a game:
Looking at your comments, I'm sort of mad at myself for even responding to you in the first place, so whateves.
I don't really know what you are arguing, is the jury still out on him or is he a TOP 5? So rate stats don't matter? Other metrics besides counting stats don't matter? Rushing Yards and TDs don't add value?
In re: Russell Wilson 2014
It goes both ways though - pitchers are also forced to go quicker. No more wandering around the infield between pitches.
Selfie-interrupting, bile-puking doggy is a good doggy
That’s also a good dad move
Was Drew also wearing a pair of New Balance 609s on this episode?
“I don’t think he likes or respects stars.”
Can’t wait to see the cover of this extremely good magazine at my dentist office six months from now!!!
Got the biggest boner right now!
The worst instrument to play the National Anthem on is the theremin.
Hell yeah that sounds like a party
I don't think it is overreacting to punish a guy who whips his kid in the scrotum and then acts like a total dick about it.