
So, if this aired on CBS it would be misogynist, but since it airs on HBO it must be *questioning* masculinity and *subverting* misgoyny.

If there was a more heartbreaking scene on TV this year than Albert saying that he isn't going to make that walk this year, I didn't see it.

I'm a pretty big fan of the Duck Dynasty Chia Pet, myself.

Hour-long jam session.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached a new standard in goofy white guys.

"Hey guys, what should we do for this movie?" "Why don't we just have the Elrics fight Nazis?" "Sounds like a plan!"

The difference is that The Voice has spinny chairs.

I just watched Persona recently, and I was totally blown away. But I still kind of wish the whole movie was like the first couple minutes. Come on, Bergman! Don't wuss out!

That's not a nice way to refer to Sandra Bullock.

I really don't see how you can compare either this show or Mad Men to a short story collection. Almost every story on Masters of Sex is serialized across a number of episodes, and is part of a large ongoing storyline about the sex study. If you watched this episode without seeing any of the previous ones, it would



Surely you don't expect them to write a second joke for Sons of Anarchy.

But what if I don't want to vote for "Romance of the Year"? And what if I don't know what the worst TV show of the year is because I don't watch obviously bad TV?

Don't be ridiculous. Thanksgiving was in October.

This had better just be Mean Girls in college.

I've been enjoying the mild August up here in Ottawa.  Kind of makes up for the fact that we got about a week of spring.