There’s going to be a much bigger purge of this when there’s no wall built, no jobs brought back, no ban on Muslims and all the other pipe dream policies Trump built his campaign on.
There’s going to be a much bigger purge of this when there’s no wall built, no jobs brought back, no ban on Muslims and all the other pipe dream policies Trump built his campaign on.
He is DEFINITELY the worst Baldwin brother.
Nah. Romo’s the guy.
SVG is completely out of fucks to give.
Everyone at my burger place was depressed and day drinking. Everyone in my office (minus That Fucking Guy) is sullen. Everyone on my commute was subdued and sporting a hundred yard stare. And honestly? I’m happy I live in a place where this many people are this depressed today. Can’t imagine what it’d be like waking…
What’s that little dot that just flew over your head?
“Yo quiero Charles Smith hitting a goddamned layup without getting blocked!”
“can somebody get this balding Chihuahua off my leg?”
We’re with you, dude. 100%.
SVG doesn’t throw shade, he casts it.
Meanwhile, Jeff Van Gundy searched out Alonzo Mourning, grabbed his leg, and held on for dear life.
Worse still, it’s an Access Hollywood bus.
I apologize for all the comments I’ve made on this site and its sister sites in the past 24 hours. I had no idea Stan Van Gundy was going to just fucking nail it far better than anyone else has.
“Well, if they’d just stayed in the back of the bus, we wouldn’t have had to throw them under it.”
I think confidence is a lot like momentum and drive. Not a real thing in sports. Prescott started the season with no confidence, being the third option and a fourth round pick. When it’s your turn, make the most of it. I don’t see Dak as a guy who would let something like that shake his confidence in himself.
I want to be interested in sports today, but I’m a Pats fan and the coach sent a nice pick-me-up note to Trump, like a letter a mom might put in their kids lunch bag.
Romo is a better QB than Prescott.
Jones added, “The process is rigged and I don’t even know if the outcome is fair until it happens. I guess we’ll have to wait and see, and I’ll comment then.”
Oh, please. The average German soldier was loyal to the Nazis. Sure there were outliers who were not, but let’s not revise history to make them seem more human than the evil monsters they were. These are the same people who slaughtered my family and threw them in a pit. Do not stand up for them. Following orders or…