
He Ray want to get his head checked.

Nice counter-argument to basic logic. "All of you are a bunch of virgin nerds!" I don't know what you wanted your misguided little rant to accomplish, but you can't seriously be surprised that most people don't agree with it here. Especially if you actually read some of the other comments, but you don't seem like the

I definitely think Quantum is underrated a little bit. It's by no means a bad film or even a good one. It's way better when watched in tandem with Casino Royle. It feels more like a complete story unlike when it's by itself which is kinda fractured.

I'm a huge Bond fan, and I have been for most of my life, but even I don't usually recommend the older movies to people. I just don't know how well they would play to someone watching them for the first time as an adult. I would highly recommend Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace if you liked Skyfall a lot.

Again? I don't think we've ever seen him with a lot of money to burn. Could be wrong, though.


Mildly disappointed by very little Hank. It doesn't matter though, because I am so goddamn excited for more of this stupid, weird, amazing show.

I'm partial to Die Hardererererer.

What the fuck is this horseshit? Where is Get Rich Or Die Hard Tryin' starring 50 Cent as Hans Gruber's son? Did you read my script, Paramount? WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

If that guy steals my "Suck my balls, Tom Cruise" Oscar speech I have prepared just in case he's made one more enemy who believes in nonsensical bullshit.

They did that fun little Nerd Talk video that seems tailor made for online articles like this. I do agree that Quick Cuts were a good idea and they should bring them back and you're right, it probably is a breath of fresh air from HitB, BoTW, and post on Space Cop. I am glad that this video is being seen by more than

Man, all the great videos RLM makes and the ones that are probably just side things are the ones that gets picked up in other places. I liked the video but holy shit are there ones that deserve more recognition.

I like the movie a lot, but it would have been way better with Glenn Howerton and Danny Devito. I guess that's true for most things.

I knew about the Joan Rivers thing. I guess because that was pretty public you don't really have to go digging for it. I didn't know about the drunkenness and wife beating and attempted murder though. That kind of takes it to another level.

Wow, really? I never knew about that. That's extremely disappointing.

I don't really like it. I was disappointed when they announced Sam Smith because I hate Sam Smith but I gave it an honest shot and I hate it because of him.

Or if You Know My Name. Or find Another Way To Die.

Wasn't Pruitt Igoe in one of the trailers? I love that song.

Inherent Vice had a really good trailer. I'd rather watch it 50 times than the actual movie again.

I actually think of American Psycho when I think of him and he's only in it for like two minutes. I usually forget he was in The Wire which is where I assume a lot of people saw him for the first time and went "Hey, it's that guy!"