I read it as: he said “no” to putting it in Deadspin or Fusion/Splinter; he wanted it for Jalopnik instead.
I read it as: he said “no” to putting it in Deadspin or Fusion/Splinter; he wanted it for Jalopnik instead.
Add a zero to the number you’re multiplying, then subtract the number you’re multiplying.
or just use your fingers. e.g. in 9x3 - looking at your left hand with both hands extended count to three on your left hand and then fold that finger down. the fingers to the left of the folded down finger would be 2, and the fingers to the right would be 7, hence 27. it works all the way to 9x9.
You spotted the rusted Civic with the springs completely cut away and a Pep Boys wing.
I think this is an interesting point, and it’s the *only* way I can logic Alabama’s support of Moore. To them, it was a choice between a child molester and a child murderer, and they chose what they perceived to be the lesser of two evils.
Shoot, that’s pretty astute.
When you gotta scoot with the loot, you and Fate have to be in cahoots.
You’re a hoot.
I find this whole story hard to swallow.
I really could do with less of that puritanical equation of sexual kink with moral depravity. Especially on a show that has to contend with a lot of reactionary douchebags who are keen to watch it for all the wrong reasons.
And bottle #1 is $10,000, because obviously a bourbon put out by Ray Lewis will only appreciate in value.
Since he is going on Sean Hannity’s show it sounds like he would rather cry with the sinners than laugh with the Saints
Can we have sock puppets for all future Deadcasts please? Like, PLEASE?
I had editors try that one me. I’d fire back: “It’s not alleged. [Person X] actually said that, on the record. If you insert the word ‘alleged’ the sentence is incorrect.” Some of my editors didn’t like me.
In my experience, the reporters who leaned on “allegedly” were the ones who didn’t really understand libel law and thought it was a “get-out-of-jail free” card.
‘It’s the best system in the world...’
Imagine the wild ride for those lucky people in the back seat!