Rhode Islander

Can we get before-and-after pics of Peyton’s head? Accelerated growth in the cranium is a dead giveaway, isn’t it?

On the one hand, the defense did its job during the game while the offense sputtered, so Belichick probably reasoned that going with the hot hand was the right call.

That’s what I thought at first: “Why is the ref asking if they want to kick?” He’s clearly heard over his mic asking “You want to kick?”

1. October

Humble suggestion: Pattern the catch rule on the touchdown rule, i.e., based on possession and crossing the plane of the goal, as it pertains to the out of bounds line. So, two feet/one body part inbounds + two hands on ball in the field of play = catch. Anything outside the field of play is irrelevant; the WR could

Looks to me like the broad part of the goalie stick connected with his chest, which was contact but not a high stick; it didn’t look as though the blade hit his face.

I just found this article, and hope it’s not too late to add another recipe.

A friend of mine thinks that putting your hand down the back of a girl’s pants in public is equivalent to putting your arm around a girl as a show of affection.

I really, really hope the question is posed as bluntly as that. The facts that Hillary voted for the war and Bernie against it are largely established, so my question is whether this will be anything more than rehashing what’s been asked and answered.

And it’s for what, $700 grand, max? That’s really pathetic money. Now, doubtless it could be spun into “he loves the game SO MUCH,” but I just don’t see the virtue of accepting so little to potentially get knocked out of the game, for good, when a free safety comes in late, head-first, on a pass over the middle.

I, for one, am glad that there are people like you seeing through this steaming pile of shit, A-B.

My local NBC affiliate’s report is headlined “Carson campaign disputes report that West Point story was fabricated.”

Say, Drew, on the home team in the Super Bowl question: I seem to recall hearing at some point that the NFL has or had a rule against that. As in, if the “home” team went to the Super Bowl, they’d change locations to keep it a neutral site.

You ever hear something similar?

Drew, on the “only work NFL hours” scenario: I would burn the crap out of a DVR to watch games in my off hours. And since work is a black hole of depression and shame anyway, I wouldn’t be any the wiser about what happened.

Ever since your Webb takedown, Allie B, I have been waiting to see what you’d do to Linc. It was worth the wait, most especially for this gem:

What a bunch of contrived and idiotic bullshit. Dude watched the ball go out for all of 2 secs. and then trotted around the bases at a reasonable clip. Whiny losers.

I’d overdub the loudest WOMP, WOMP to that, just for effect.

I can’t WAIT for your take when Trump gets buried in the primaries.

“Rhode Island’s western annex” in reference to CT.

I am a Patriots fan, admittedly, but Brady is a moron for saying that. This is the same region that also has Curt Schilling as a sports hero, so we’re used to dumb jocks saying dumb Republican things [or is that redundant?].